Young Couple, 2018 /
7 Train, 2017
Caesar on Fifth Avenue, New York City 2016
Family on Governor's Island Ferry, NYC 2014
Lovers, Fifth Avenue, New York City May 21, 2016
Latina, East Harlem, 2016 /
Teenagers at 125, New York City, 2016 /
The Boss /
The Boss, Bronx, NY 2015
8th Avenue Swag /
8th Avenue Swag, New York City 2015
Smoker /
Smoker 8th Ave. New York City, 2015
Coney Island /
Coney Island, 2013
Couple /
Couple, New York City, 2014
October 17th /
October 17th, New York City 2015
Skynet /
Skynet, New York City 2014
Stairway /
Stairway to The 1 Train, 2014
South Bronx Sunflower /
Sunflower, Bronx, NY 2014
The Dark Side of The Lobby /
The lobby of the Vader residence, New York City, 2014
Bather /
Bathtub Gin, 2013